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The Irish Conservative Party 1852-1868 : Land, Politics and Religion in FB2, TXT


Until recently, the history of the Irish Conservative party had been a neglected topic among Irish historians. As the main focus of Irish historiography has been on Nationalist political organisations and movements, the Irish Conservative party has received insufficient attention. As a result, this book provides the first detailed account of the party's history in the mid-Victorian period. Throughout the book, the focus is, in general, on the elite of the Irish Conservative party and on their relationship with the party leadership at Westminster. The complex ways in which the Conservative party interacted with the other principal forces in Irish society, in particular, the Roman Catholic Church, are examined. The ambivalent relationship which existed between it and the Independent Irish party from 1852 onwards is also analysed. Through a series of detailed analyses of Conservative party attitudes and policies on the Land, National Education, and Church questions, the book examines whether an 'indigenous' Irish Conservatism existed, different both in tone and content from its English counterpart. The period between the Famine and the disestablishment of the Church of Ireland has been generally neglected in Irish historiography. This book attempts to redress that imbalance, while at the same time, restoring the central role played by the Irish Conservative party in those years to its proper significance.

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Britta Olinder; Ireland and the Caribbean.It sheds new light on the politics of courts during dark times and sharply illuminates the tension between the demand for law and the imperatives of order.Providing scholars with a comprehensive international resource, a common point of entry into cutting edge contemporary research and a snapshot of the state and scope of the field, this Handbook takes a broad approach to its subject matter, disciplinarily, geographically, and systemically., The Oxford Handbook of Criminal Law reflects the continued transformation of criminal law into a global discipline, providing scholars with a comprehensive international resource, a common point of entry into cutting edge contemporary research and a snapshot of the state and scope of the field.He is the author of American Wildlife Law (1980).Choice of Law provides an in-depth sophisticated coverage of the choice-of-law part Conflicts Law (or Private International Law) in torts, products liability, contracts, forum-selection and arbitration clauses, insurance, statutes of limitation, domestic relations, property, marital property, and successions.It also delivers essential background to the place of the US in international relations and makes a major contribution to thinking about the ICC's future.Of course we do. We re a paradox.These various regimes are established under specific instruments, shaped through negotiations taking place in different fora.The edited collection is creatively structured around the metaphor of the game, which captures and illuminates all the constituent elements of an act of interpretation.One reason for this is a tendency to compartmentalise the law of obligations into discrete subjects, such as contract, trusts, tort and intellectual property.Comparisions of Synge's work to that of other authors reinforce the argument in favor of his continuing relevance.Comparisons are drawn among the laws of the United States, Canada, Mexico, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, China, Japan and India.It also addresses the various avenues of appeal and redress open to the taxpayer from receipt of a standard Revenue enquiry letter to appearing in court.Revenue Investigations and Enforcement is a highly practical guidance tool for practitioners when dealing with Revenue audits, investigations and enforcement.The collection draws from the expertise of international scholars in fields of Irish studies, geography, environmental studies, literature and visual culture, with contributors including Patrick Duffy, John Elder, Moya Cannon, Gerry Smyth and Moynagh Sullivan.