Download book - Routledge Studies in Corporate Governance: Governance and Governmentality in Projects : Enablers, Practices and Consequences 9 (2016, Hardcover) DOC, FB2, DJV
9781138926356 1138926353 This book describes governance and governmentality in the realm of projects, from its organizational origins to its consequences in terms of ethics and results in projects. Governance, as the 'science' through which project managers and other key stakeholders are held accountable for their project and its success, and governmentality as the 'art' with which governance institutions present themselves and interact with key stakeholders are addressed jointly to provide for a comprehensive view of the subject. Governance and Governmentality in Projects starts by identifying the organizational enablers which give rise to different types of practices in governance and governmentality for individual projects and groups of projects. It then links these approaches to popular governance models and existing governance theories, practices, and institutions. Finally it outlines the consequences of these approaches in terms of the impact on project results, the building of trustful working relationships, the nature and strength of ethical issues in projects and the role of corporate governance therein. Case studies are provided to exemplify the findings. Through its structure this book describes the development of governance and governmentality in the realm of projects from its organizational origins, via observable practices, to expected consequences of different implementations. Aimed at readers, such as post-graduate students in business and management, organizational researchers or practicing managers, to help develop a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical underpinnings of the subject, their interaction and implications for implementation. This allows for understanding and developing of both generic and idiosyncratic governance structures, such as those needed in project-based organizations., This research-based book takes an organization-wide perspective to describe the governance and governmentality for projects in organizations. Governance of projects defines and directs the ways managers of projects, programs, and project portfolios carry out their work. Governmentality is the way the managers of these managers present themselves to those they lead." Governance and Governmentality for Projects" starts with introducing existing theories, models and paradigms for governance and governmentality. It then develops a chronological framework of the ways governance and governmentality for projects is enabled in organizations, how it subsequently unfolds in organizations of different types and sectors, and the consequences of different governance approaches for project results, trust, control, and ethical issues in projects. Special emphasis is given to the link between corporate governance and the governance of project, programs and project portfolios. Three real-life case studies exemplify the research findings described in the book. Through its structure this book describes the development of governance and governmentality in the realm of projects from its organizational origins, via observable practices, to expected consequences of different implementations. Aimed at academics, post-graduate students in business and management, reflective practitioners, standards or policy developers, those in governance roles and others in need of a detailed knowledge of the spectrum of project related governance in organizations, this book will help develop a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical underpinnings of the subject, their interaction, and implications for implementation. This allows for understanding and developing of both generic and idiosyncratic governance structures, such as those needed in project-based organizations.
9781138926356 1138926353 This book describes governance and governmentality in the realm of projects, from its organizational origins to its consequences in terms of ethics and results in projects. Governance, as the 'science' through which project managers and other key stakeholders are held accountable for their project and its success, and governmentality as the 'art' with which governance institutions present themselves and interact with key stakeholders are addressed jointly to provide for a comprehensive view of the subject. Governance and Governmentality in Projects starts by identifying the organizational enablers which give rise to different types of practices in governance and governmentality for individual projects and groups of projects. It then links these approaches to popular governance models and existing governance theories, practices, and institutions. Finally it outlines the consequences of these approaches in terms of the impact on project results, the building of trustful working relationships, the nature and strength of ethical issues in projects and the role of corporate governance therein. Case studies are provided to exemplify the findings. Through its structure this book describes the development of governance and governmentality in the realm of projects from its organizational origins, via observable practices, to expected consequences of different implementations. Aimed at readers, such as post-graduate students in business and management, organizational researchers or practicing managers, to help develop a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical underpinnings of the subject, their interaction and implications for implementation. This allows for understanding and developing of both generic and idiosyncratic governance structures, such as those needed in project-based organizations., This research-based book takes an organization-wide perspective to describe the governance and governmentality for projects in organizations. Governance of projects defines and directs the ways managers of projects, programs, and project portfolios carry out their work. Governmentality is the way the managers of these managers present themselves to those they lead." Governance and Governmentality for Projects" starts with introducing existing theories, models and paradigms for governance and governmentality. It then develops a chronological framework of the ways governance and governmentality for projects is enabled in organizations, how it subsequently unfolds in organizations of different types and sectors, and the consequences of different governance approaches for project results, trust, control, and ethical issues in projects. Special emphasis is given to the link between corporate governance and the governance of project, programs and project portfolios. Three real-life case studies exemplify the research findings described in the book. Through its structure this book describes the development of governance and governmentality in the realm of projects from its organizational origins, via observable practices, to expected consequences of different implementations. Aimed at academics, post-graduate students in business and management, reflective practitioners, standards or policy developers, those in governance roles and others in need of a detailed knowledge of the spectrum of project related governance in organizations, this book will help develop a comprehensive understanding of the theoretical and practical underpinnings of the subject, their interaction, and implications for implementation. This allows for understanding and developing of both generic and idiosyncratic governance structures, such as those needed in project-based organizations.