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Read online book Ryan Casey - But You Like Really Dated?! : The Celebropedia of Hollywood Hookups in FB2, TXT


A pop-culture compendium, in which an award-winning illustrator and web designer, takes on the strange, incestuous, gossip-fueled world of celebrity hookups., Every time a celebrity couple breaks up, an angel gets its wings... Admit ite"but you're like really a pop-culture junkie, aren't you? And a junkie needs a fix. Am I right? Of course I am. Well, my friends, But You Like Really Dated?! is the perfect remedy. With more dirt than you can find under Lindsay Lohan's fingernails, and enough gossip to make even Joan Rivers blush, this exquisitely designed, epic tome is the ultimate guide to the stars who dated, dumped, hooked up, cheated on, married, divorced, married again, or made a sex tape in the wild world of Hollywood. If you have ever wondered just how many blonde models Leo has shown the town, or how many boy-toys have graced Britney's arm, But You Like Really Dated?! is the only book you'll ever need. Full of hilarious (and hilariously accurate) illustrations of the most notorious members of Hollywood's elite and brimming with sharp commentary about the strange mating habits of celebrities, But You Like Really Dated?! is the brainchild of Ryan Casey, creator of the award-winning webcomic So put up your feet, pop open a bottle of your favorite spirits, and dive into the wild and wacky world of the celebrity dating game., Every time a celebrity couple breaks up, an angel gets its wings...Admit it--but you're like really a pop-culture junkie, aren't you? And a junkie needs a fix. Am I right? Of course I am. Well, my friends, But You Like Really Dated? is the perfect remedy. With more dirt than you can find under Lindsay Lohan's fingernails, and enough gossip to make even Joan Rivers blush, this exquisitely designed, epic tome is the ultimate guide to the stars who dated, dumped, hooked up, cheated on, married, divorced, married again, or made a sex tape in the wild world of Hollywood. If you have ever wondered just how many blonde models Leo has shown the town, or how many boy-toys have graced Britney's arm, But You Like Really Dated? is the only book you'll ever need.Full of hilarious (and hilariously accurate) illustrations of the most notorious members of Hollywood's elite and brimming with sharp commentary about the strange mating habits of celebrities, But You Like Really Dated? is the brainchild of Ryan Casey, creator of the award-winning webcomic put up your feet, pop open a bottle of your favorite spirits, and dive into the wild and wacky world of the celebrity dating game., For the celebrity obsessed, Ryan Casey's pop-culture compendium But You Like Really Dated?! is a must-have collection of hilarious four-color cartoons, comics, and razor sharp caricatures that map out the strange world of celebrity dating, hookups, quickie marriages, and scandals. Award-winning illustrator Ryan Casey offers his outrageously funny and dead-on take on the wicked and wild side of some of the most famous (and infamous), including: The Dirty Dozen: a history of Hollyweird's sexual superheroes; Talk of the Town: alleged cheaters, womanizers, sex tape superstars and more; WTF? Couples: chronicling the oddest hookups in Hollywood; The Children are our Future: predictions for A-List tots; and much, much more.

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