The Gospel Project: HCSB Big Picture Interactive Bible, Color-Your-Own, Cross (2016, Imitation Leather) by download MOBI, EPUB


"Bring the Bible to life for kids "As kids read the"HCSBBigPictureInteractive Bible, "they will see scenes from the Bible literally pop off the page via a free downloadable app that lets them view the images in an augmented-reality format. And they'll listen to a narration of the event by Jenna Lucado Bishop.Plus, kids can use fine-point, permanent markers to color the unique cover and endsheets and make this Bible all their own Other features include: Make-It-Your-Own Cover can be colored with any fine-point, permanent markersAugmented Realityon 146full-page color illustrations"Christ Connection"feature that shows how each Bible story points to Christ"BigQuestions?"feature to tell kids what they want to know100 Top Memory Versesfor kids to learn"Seeing theBigPicture"feature that digs into key Bible stories and provides parents with discussion material"BigWords"feature that acts as a four-color Bible dictionaryIntroductionsfor every book of the Bible, written for kids to understandComplete textof the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)Full-color mapson 8 pagesThis colorful, fully designed Bible meets children in the visual world they are so accustomed to by bringing Bible pages to life and showing young readers how they are a part of God's great story. Don't miss any of the products in theBigPicturebrand, which includes"TheBigPictureInteractive Bible Storybook," "TheBigPictureInteractive Bible Stories in 5 Minutes, "and"TheBigPictureInteractive Bible Stories for Toddlers."", Bring the Bible to life for kids! As kids read the HCSB Big Picture Interactive Bible, they will see scenes from the Bible literally pop off the page via a free downloadable app that lets them view the images in an augmented-reality format. And they'll listen to a narration of the event by Jenna Lucado Bishop. Plus, kids can use fine-point, permanent markers to color the unique cover and endsheets and make this Bible all their own! Other features include: Make-It-Your-Own Cover can be colored with any fine-point, permanent markers Augmented Reality on 146 full-page color illustrations "Christ Connection" feature that shows how each Bible story points to Christ "Big Questions?" feature to tell kids what they want to know 100 Top Memory Verses for kids to learn "Seeing the Big Picture" feature that digs into key Bible stories and provides parents with discussion material "Big Words" feature that acts as a four-color Bible dictionary Introductions for every book of the Bible, written for kids to understand Complete text of the Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) Full-color maps on 8 pages This colorful, fully designed Bible meets children in the visual world they are so accustomed to by bringing Bible pages to life and showing young readers how they are a part of God's great story. Don't miss any of the products in the Big Picture brand, which includes The Big Picture Interactive Bible Storybook , The Big Picture Interactive Bible Stories in 5 Minutes, and The Big Picture Interactive Bible Stories for Toddlers.

The Gospel Project: HCSB Big Picture Interactive Bible, Color-Your-Own, Cross (2016, Imitation Leather) read book MOBI, TXT, FB2

Previously titled the Full Life Study Bible, this new edition includes updated and expanded notes, a new word study feature, and a new interior to meet the needs of Spirit-filled Christians today.Add to that an expansive topical index and you ve got an ideal study resource.Features include: - Bonded leather - Craft-sewn binding for added strength and long life - Fine Bible paper to maximize readability and portability - Easy-to-read typeface in a double-column setting - Thinline - less than 1 inch thick - makes it easy to take with you wherever you go - Gilded edges and a ribbon marker - Presentation page for gift-givingAn edition of God's Word created for guys ages 11 to 14 based on the best-selling "Life Application Study Bible." Packed full of notes and features, the "Guys Life Application Study Bible" is easy to use and helps answer the questions preteen guys may have about God and life.The result is a Bible overflowing with practical articles, notes, and sidebars that help readers understand what the Bible has to say about life's most important questions.There are footnotes to explain translation points and a useful Table of Weights and Measures.White, Executive Director, The Navigators Zondervan's Understand the Bible Reference Series This six-volume series supplies users of today's most popular modern Bible translation, the New International Version, with scholarly, economical, and uncompromisingly evangelical study tools.Over 100 boxed factual articles and lists.Written in 1611, the KJV is regarded as one of the most accurate translations of the Bible into the English language.Features include: * Complete King James Version* Center-column reference system with references based on key words* Topical running heads* Stylish Italian Duo-Tone cover* Smythe-sewn binding lays flat* Study helps* Eight pages of full-color maps* Words of Christ in red* Concordance* Ribbon marker* Presentation page ', Easy to read and carry, this KJV Bible features more than 45,000 center-column references, Concordance, extensive study helps, Presentation Pages, the Words of Christ in red, and a button flap.Simple. Easy to read.Learn more and discover what you can do", The NKJV Study Bible, Second Edition, the most comprehensive study Bible available, is now better than ever!