Small States in International Politics ebook FB2, PDF, DOC
9780415612111 English 041561211X At the start of the 21stcentury, there has been a renewed academic interest into small states and their status in international relations. This is illustrated by the establishment of the Centre for Small State Studies in 2003 at the University of Iceland, the development of the Small States Research Network based at the University of Birmingham and the creation of a specialist working group on small states through the British International Studies Association (BISA). This has been prompted by an increase in the numbers of small states in the international system caused by the dissolution of larger states like the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia but also because there is an appreciation that many issues and problems in International Relations affect small states in different ways than larger states. In the post-Cold War period, many problems and issues in world politics are associated with smaller states. The establishment or re-emergence of small states like the Baltic States, East Timor, Eritrea and Kosovo has placed small states high on the international political agenda. Conflicts in the Balkans, Caucuses, Pacific Rim and in parts of Africa have further illustrated that small states can impact upon regional and international security. This book aims to bring together a comprehensive survey of issues and themes from the perspective of small states. Whilst there has been a spate of books, articles and conference papers on small states in recent times, this book will contribute much to the literature and understanding of small states and their position in international politics. Many recent volumes on small states are edited volumes or focus on particular aspects of international relations. The purpose of this book is twofold; firstly it is intended as a textbook for Small State studies from the discipline of International Relations; and secondly, it is intended to offer a holistic analysis of small states by reviewing a range of factors that affect and influence small states.
9780415612111 English 041561211X At the start of the 21stcentury, there has been a renewed academic interest into small states and their status in international relations. This is illustrated by the establishment of the Centre for Small State Studies in 2003 at the University of Iceland, the development of the Small States Research Network based at the University of Birmingham and the creation of a specialist working group on small states through the British International Studies Association (BISA). This has been prompted by an increase in the numbers of small states in the international system caused by the dissolution of larger states like the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia but also because there is an appreciation that many issues and problems in International Relations affect small states in different ways than larger states. In the post-Cold War period, many problems and issues in world politics are associated with smaller states. The establishment or re-emergence of small states like the Baltic States, East Timor, Eritrea and Kosovo has placed small states high on the international political agenda. Conflicts in the Balkans, Caucuses, Pacific Rim and in parts of Africa have further illustrated that small states can impact upon regional and international security. This book aims to bring together a comprehensive survey of issues and themes from the perspective of small states. Whilst there has been a spate of books, articles and conference papers on small states in recent times, this book will contribute much to the literature and understanding of small states and their position in international politics. Many recent volumes on small states are edited volumes or focus on particular aspects of international relations. The purpose of this book is twofold; firstly it is intended as a textbook for Small State studies from the discipline of International Relations; and secondly, it is intended to offer a holistic analysis of small states by reviewing a range of factors that affect and influence small states.